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Mobilizing Resources for Education and Improving Spending Effectiveness : Establishing Realistic Benchmarks Based on Past Trends (English)

This paper looks at how countries have mobilized additional resources for education and assesses their impact on access and learning outcomes, using the World Bank's new Learning-Adjusted Years of Schooling measure. The paper shows that global spending on education has risen significantly over the past two decades, although spending as a share of gross domestic product has remained relatively unchanged, at about 4.5 percent. However, global trends...
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Al-Samarrai,Samer; Cerdan-Infantes,Pedro; Lehe,Jonathan David.

Mobilizing Resources for Education and Improving Spending Effectiveness : Establishing Realistic Benchmarks Based on Past Trends (English). Policy Research working paper|no. WPS 8773 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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