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The Nitrogen Legacy : The Long-Term Effects of Water Pollution on Human Capital (English)

The fallout of nitrogen pollution is considered one of the largest global externalities facing the world, impacting air, water, soil, and human health. This paper combines data from the Demographic and Health Survey data set across India, Vietnam, and 33 African countries to analyze the causal links between pollution exposure experienced during the very earliest stages of life and later-life health. The results show that pollution exposure experienced...
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Zaveri,Esha Dilip; Russ,Jason Daniel; Desbureaux,Sebastien Gael; Damania,Richard; Rodella,Aude-Sophie; Ribeiro Paiva De Souza,Giovanna.

The Nitrogen Legacy : The Long-Term Effects of Water Pollution on Human Capital (English). Policy Research working paper|no. WPS 9143 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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