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Documents & Reports

For Developers

We encourage developers to link to our site. You can do this by either copying the URL from the Address Bar or constructing your own API/URL (see below). We do request that you create links directly to our site and do not frame the Bank's page with your own site banner.

We now have a new and improved way of linking to document profiles and results. See documentation and examples below.

Documents & Reports (D&R) Invariant API

Documents & Reports (D&R) will support simplified URLs for two kinds of pages: results pages and document profile pages. We will make sure we support the invariant API even if D & R moves to a new platform in the future, so users don't need to change their URLs linking to our documents.

URLs for these pages have three parts. These parts together determine (1) which application to handle the request, (2) the type of page to be returned, and (3) the document or set of documents to be presented on that page.

These three parts together take the following form.


Host name

In technical terms, the first part of the URL names the host. The host name will be “”.

Type of request

The page is to be returned, the second part of the URL, is determined by the type of request. The request type will be either “record” or “query”. A “record” request will return the profile (or data record) belonging to an individual document. A “query” request will return a set of documents that match that query.


Request typePage returned
recordComplete profile for an individual document with one or more links to the document itself.
queryA query defining a set of documents presented as a list or table.


Parameter list

The third and last part of the URL consists of one or more parameters and their values. These parameters and values specify the document or set of documents presented on the page. The list of parameters and their values is separated from the request type that precedes it by the “?” character.

”Record” requests have a single, required, parameter, “docid”, whose value is the ImageBank or D&R identifier for the profile document to be displayed on the page. The parameter name, “docid”, is separated from its value by the “=” sign.

In addition to the docid parameter, record requests also support an optional parameter, pageLanguage. This parameter determines the language of the page displaying the record and can be used by non-English sites to present ImageBank documents in the language of the site. At present, requests for French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and Russian are supported.


Parameter nameUse
docidD&R ID for the document whose profile is to be returned.
pageLanguageThe language of the page displaying the record. Please use the following two-letter language codes: ar (Arabic), zh (Chinese), ru (Russian), es (Spanish), fr (French).

Here is an example:

“Query” requests are requests for a set of documents presented as a list on the page returned. Query requests may have one or more parameters. Each additional parameter more tightly specifies or restricts what is to be returned. These parameters correspond to an attribute in a document’s record or profile. Each parameter name is separated from its value by an “=” sign. When more than one parameter / value pair is used, each new pair is separated from the previous by the “&” character. No “&” character is placed before the first pair. To query on more than one value for an attribute, either include additional parameter / value pairs for that attribute (each having a single value), or use the parameter name once and list the values, separating the values by a space. Querying on multiple values for an attribute increases the number of documents returned since documents for each value passed can be included in results.

Like record requests, query requests may also specify the language of the page displaying results. French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and Russian are supported currently.


Parameter nameValueUse
texttextone or more words
titletextthe title of the document
collectiontextthe title of the collection to which the document belongs
sourceCitationTextthe source citation
authortextan author of the document
regiontext or IDthe region to which the document belongs
countrytext or IDthe country to which the document belongs
sectortext or IDthe sector to which the document belongs
subsectortext or IDthe subsector to which the document belongs
topictext or IDa topic addressed by the document
majorDocTypetext or IDthe major document type to which the document belongs
docTypetext or IDthe document
languagetext or IDthe language in which the document is written or translated
dateyyyy/mm/ddthe date the document was submitted or published
startDateyyyy/mm/ddthe beginning of a date range. Documents returned must be submitted or published on or after this date. It can be used with or without endDate. When endDate is not used, then the range ends with the present.
endDateyyyy/mm/ddthe end of a date range. Documents returned must be submitted or published on or before this date. It can be used with or without startDate. When startDate is not used, then the range includes all dates prior to this present.
reportIDthe report number assigned to this document
loanIDthe number of the loan to which this document belongs
creditIDthe credit number associated with this document
projecttext or IDthe name or ID of the project to which this document belongs
trustFundIDthe trust fund with which this document is associated
pageSizenumberThe number of results to display per page (up to 50)
pageLanguageIDthe language of the page displaying the record.French and Spanish are currently supported.
sortBy the attribute (“date”, “title”, “report”, or “docType”) by which results should be sorted. Sorting is in ascending order except for date, which is in descending order.


Following are some examples:

To list documents on a single topic...

To list documents related to a single topic and country…

To return all documents published or released on an exact date...

To return all documents published or released on a topic published or released between two dates...

To return all documents in Arabic...

To return all documents based on Unit owning,