This field indicates the disclosure status of the document. By clicking on this field, you are including in the search results the metadata for documents that are not publicly available. You may request access to these documents in accordance with the World Bank Policy on Access to Information (AI Policy). Eligible for Disclosure - the document has to be reviewed in accordance with the AI Policy to determine whether it contains any information covered by the AI Policy exception(s).
Disclosure type is used to indicate that a report has gone through a special or specific method of disclosure in accordance with the Access to Information policy. At this time, there is only one special disclosure type, simultaneous disclosure. By clicking on this field, you are limiting your results to a small specific set of items.
Simultaneous disclosure - a process that occurs when a board paper is made publically available prior to the Board's discussion. See most recent simultaneously disclosed documents here.
The Region field on the advanced search page lists all the World Bank's administrative regions (as distinct from geographical areas and defined below). Use the Region search to select all countries within one region at the same time. The "Rest of the World" region includes countries and areas that do not fit into the other regions. The "World" region includes reports which are global in scope.
World Bank administrative region: The World Bank lends to countries which are members of IBRD or IDA. Country lending is grouped into regions based on the current World Bank administrative region (rather than geographic) where project implementation takes place. For further information, visit the Bank's regional web pages: Africa, East Asia & Pacific, Europe & Central Asia, Latin America & Caribbean, Middle East & North Africa, South Asia.
Search Tips:
To find all agriculture documents related to any country in the East Asia and Pacific Region, choose Topic = Agriculture, Region = East Asia and Pacific. To see all agriculture documents whose geographical scope is East Asia and the Pacific, choose Topic = Agriculture, Country = East Asia and Pacific.
The Country field on the advanced search page lists contains both countries and areas. Areas can include geographical entities broader than a country, for example, the Aral Sea, or East Asia and Pacific . These areas indicate that the content of the document has a geographical scope larger than one country. Also, "World" is included under countries and is for reports which are global in nature and/or non-country specific.
Search Tips
To find all agriculture documents related to any country in the East Asia and Pacific Region, choose Topic = Agriculture, Region = East Asia and Pacific. To see all agriculture documents whose geographical scope is East Asia and the Pacific, choose Topic = Agriculture, Country = East Asia and Pacific.
Hierarchical classification scheme which provides a representation of the Bank's knowledge domains, subject areas, and areas of expertise.
Document Type
A document type is a controlled reference source that identifies the type of content contained in institutional collections.
Language of the content of the report.
Lending Instrument
The Bank has two basic types of lending instruments: investment loans and development policy loans. Investment loans have a long-term focus (5 to 10 years), and finance goods, works, and services in support of economic and social development projects in a broad range of sectors. Development policy loans have a short-term focus (1 to 3 years), and provide quick-disbursing external financing to support policy and institutional reforms. Both investment and development policy loans are used flexibly to suit a range of purposes, and are occasionally used together in hybrid operations.
For more information about lending instruments currently in use, please see Financing Instruments.
Operational Policy 8.60 governs Development Policy Loans. This policy applies to suitable lending instruments for which a concept review takes place on or after September 1, 2004. Previously, a variety of instruments were collectively referred to as Adjustment Lending and governed by Operational Directive 8.60, plus other related statements. The list of Lending Instruments in the Advanced Search includes all variations of lending instruments before and after this policy change.
The World Bank offers several product lines to its clients - some primarily funded by grants and some by loans. The loans are offered via two basic types of lending instruments - development policy and investment.
Carbon Offsets - The world's first market-based mechanism to address climate change and promote the transfer of finance and climate-friendly technology to developing countries. For more information, see the Prototype Carbon Fund.
Debt Reduction Facility - The Debt Reduction Facility for IDA-Only Countries was established in 1989 to assist low-income countries in reducing their commercial debt. It was funded with a US$300 million transfer from IBRD's net income. For more information, see the IDA Debt Reduction Facility.
GEF Medium - Global Environment Facility (GEF) Medium-Sized projects have GEF financing no more than $1 million, and are considered by the GEF Council and Implementing Agencies under expedited procedures, intended to move them quickly from the concept stage to approval of the GEF grant. The smaller size grants and the projects they finance are creating opportunities for a range of new project proposers to access GEF resources and contribute to the international effort to protect the global environment. For more information, see the Global Environment Facility.
Global Environment Projects - These are projects under implementation, excluding the Medium-Sized projects. The World Bank plays two important roles in the Global Environment Facility (GEF). First, with its long experience in funds management, the Bank was selected as trustee of the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund. Second, the Bank is a GEF Implementing Agency, and plays the primary role in ensuring the development and management of GEF investment projects. About two-thirds of all project-related GEF resources are allocated to the World Bank's GEF portfolio. The portfolio of projects under implementation includes projects directly managed by the Bank, as well as those managed by the International Finance Corporation, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. For more information, see the Global Environment Facility.
Guarantees - The World Bank's Guarantee instrument was formally mainstreamed in 1994 to address the growing need to offer political risk mitigation products to commercial lenders contemplating financial investment in the infrastructure sectors of developing countries. The Bank's fundamental objective in offering guarantees is to mobilize private capital for such projects on a "lender of last resort" basis. At present, the Bank offers three basic types of guarantees. Partial credit guarantees cover debt service defaults on a specified portion of a loan or a bond. Such guarantees allow public sector projects to extend maturities and lower spreads. Partial risk guarantees cover debt service defaults on a loan to a private sector project caused by a government's failure to meet its contractual obligations related to a private project. Policy based guarantees cover a portion of debt service on a borrowing by an eligible member country from private foreign creditors in support of agreed structural, institutional, and social policies and reforms. For more information, see The Guarantee Program.
IBRD/IDA - This product line refers to regular IBRD/IDA lending and represents the majority of the World Bank's lending portfolio. Whether the funding source is IBRD, IDA or mixed depends on the country's eligibility for borrowing (refer to the Annual Report). Within this portfolio, there are two basic types of lending instruments: investment loans and adjustment loans. Investment loans have a long-term focus (5 to 10 years), and finance goods, works, and services in support of economic and social development projects in a broad range of sectors. Adjustment loans have a short-term focus (1 to 3 years), and provide quick-disbursing external financing to support policy and institutional reforms. Both investment and adjustment loans are used flexibly to suit a range of purposes, and are occasionally used together in hybrid operations.
Montreal Protocol - The World Bank is one of four implementing agencies (along with UNDP, UNIDO and UNEP) for the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (MP). The Montreal Protocol Operations Unit staff at the World Bank coordinates the efforts of other World Bank staff and local partners to assist countries to meet their obligations under the Montreal Protocol. The World Bank works with local government and financial agency partners to enable national execution of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) phaseout activities. For more information, see the Montreal Protocol.
Rainforest - The Rain Forest Trust Fund (RFT) was established in 1992 by the Bank's Executive Directors and associated bilateral donors. All funds are grant funds directed toward a set of integrated projects aimed at slowing down the deforestation/conversion of the Amazon rain forest, protecting biodiversity, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting sustainable use and development in the Amazon region. The projects share similar objectives of: (i) strengthening the capacity of public sector institutions responsible for managing and protecting the rain forest, its inhabitants, and natural resources; (ii) improving management of protected areas; (iii) strengthening the information base on Amazonian natural resources; and (iv) promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly technologies and practices for their use and development. For more information, see Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rain Forest.
Institutional Development Fund, HIPC Transfer - Data for these product lines is not yet available. They are included in this picklist for use by World Bank staff who share the advanced search screen to search internal systems.
Control number/unique identifier made up of numbers (and occasional letters) assigned by the Internal Documents Unit according to a particular classification scheme.
Search Tips:
Enter without zero fill, capitalization, blank spaces, or country acronyms.Search multiple report numbers by separating with commas.
For Board numbers (e.g. IDA/SecM2009-0043 or M2009-0001) use the Keyword field instead.
For ISBN numbers (e.g. 0-8213-1234-5) use the Keyword field.
For Loan/Credit/Fund numbers, click on the +more options and enter in the relevant search field.
Control number assigned by the Internal Documents Unit.
Loan Number
Number assigned to identify an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loan. Multiple loans can be searched simultaneously by separating the numbers with commas.
Credit Number
Number assigned to identify an International Development Association (IDA) credit. Multiple credits can be searched simultaneously by separating the numbers with commas.
Trust Fund Number
Number assigned to identify a Trust Fund. Multiple trust funds can be searched simultaneously by separating the numbers with commas.
Project Number
Project ID is a unique numeric code that identifies a project. Complex tasks with multiple business processes and sources of funding are assigned a Project ID.
Each Project ID identifies a work breakdown structure (WBS) that comprises one or more WBS elements. A Project ID consists of a six-digit serial number preceded by the letter P (Example: P123456).
UN Registration Number
Number assigned by the United Nations to loan and financing agreements upon registration. The World Bank registers these agreements with the United Nations in accordance with the regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. Not all World Bank legal documents are registered with the UN. Although loan and financing agreements are continuing to be registered with the United Nations, the UN Registration number may not appear immediately in the record.The abbreviation "LICUN" may appear as existing documents are prepared for disclosure.
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