This paper decomposes manufacturing import growth rates in a selected set of large industrial and developing countries (five industrial and eight developing) and measures the relative contributions of...
Studies evaluating the supply response in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to the agricultural policy reforms have found that agricultural growth rates after reforms have been uneven, and, in many countries. The...
Cashew policy reforms in Mozambique have been controversial. They are often invoked by critics as an illustration of how agricultural policy reforms supported by international financial institutions may...
During the late 1980s and the 1990s, most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa implemented agricultural policy reforms, along with national political and economic reforms. The agricultural reforms focused on...
Earlier research showed that during the 1980s and 1990s most of the global agricultural trade expansion took place among the industrial countries and among countries within trade blocs. These were also...
Economic development theorists and practitioners have long focused attention on the question of the impact of food prices on poverty in developing countries. The interest of policymakers in this issue...
There is a general consensus that most of the poor in developing countries are net food buyers and food price increases are bad for the poor. This could be expected of urban poor, but it is also often...
The purpose of this paper is to update the information on net food importing countries, using different definitions of food, separating countries by their level of income, whether they are in conflict...
This paper investigates the role of services in the household response to trade reforms in Vietnam. The relative response of the households and income growth after a major trade liberalization in rice...
The empirical study of the impact of trade liberalization has not convinced the skeptics about the economic gains after trade reforms. Some have even argued that trade reforms have led to economic collapse...
Despite attempts to liberalize India's import trade regime, the structure of import licensing is still restrictive and complex and for most products, trade restrictions are probably redundant as protection...
Effective protection rates in India are so high and vary so greatly that anything short of low uniform tariffs and the complete elimination of quantitative restrictions would not make the industrial incentive...
This paper analyzes inflationary processes in Turkey through the use of three regression models with successively more general structures. The empirical results indicate that aggregate output is responsive...