Climate change and increasing population pressure make it increasingly urgent to find ways to improve the management of the water-energy nexus. The desalination, pumping, distribution, and treatment of...
The report confirms that groundwater, if managed sustainably, can be an important development resource across the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region. The report presents data related to groundwater resource...
This study points out that Lake Victoria, the second largest body of fresh water in the world, has experienced sustained environmental deterioration over the past several decades, compounding development...
This review discusses the dire conditions of the Aral Sea which has seen its surface area declined by two-thirds since 1960. The Aral Sea Water and Environmental Management Project was designed to help...
This report treats diversification as a differentiated form of agricultural development and recognizes its role to spur sustainable growth in the rural sector. The study outlines practical ways for implementing...
ESSD: Community driven development anchor now firmly established. Environment: latest public opinion on the environment now available. The environment strategy consultations in San Francisco. Critical...
1998 CGIAR Mid-Term Meeting : mobilizing science for global food security. New appointment for CGIAR Chairman. The CGIAR in the twenty-first century; by Mahendra Shah. A new vision for ICRISAT; by Shawki...
Cotton plays a vital multisectoral role in the economies of many developing countries. It is a major exchange earner and a valuable cash crop for many smallholder farmers, thus contributing to efforts...
Policymakers and agricultural planners are increasingly focusing on agricultural diversification as a strategy to promote agricultural development because it offers opportunities to reduce production and...
For Bank irrigation and drainage (I&D) staff, there are two vital training formats: study tours and the annual irrigation and drainage seminar. Because not all interested staff can attend the I&D seminars...
The Bank has initiated a reassessment of its water management policies and strategies, seeking to achieve a comprehensive approach in its operations. The conceptual framework of the process involves three...
The seven papers which make up this report have been prepared in an attempt to provide background information and guidance to those who are designing agricultural strategies and irrigation investment projects...
As a result of the declining contribution of rice based farming in East Asia, investment in agriculture must diversify to maintain rural incomes. In the short term, countries should : 1) diversify toward...
This volume is a compendium of papers presented at the "Workshop on Technological and Institutional Innovation in Irrigation" held in Washington D.C. in April 1988. The main objective of the workshop was...