Dams have brought considerable benefits to many countries and regions. They have enabled improvement and expansion of hydropower generation; irrigated agriculture; water supply for domestic and industrial...
Current water resource management practices in most developing countries result in unnecessarily high economic and environmental costs. Leakage from piped water supply distribution systems, for example...
Improved management of water resources is increasingly recognized as a key environmental and economic issue in many developing countries, with major implications for people depending on both municipal...
This report argues that economic incentives and fiscal instruments are essential in achieving efficiency in the use of water resources. That is, better economic management of water will greatly assist...
This paper on water resources management and the urban poor has three aims: 1) to analyze the key issues affecting the use of water resources in developing countries; 2) to identify key policy instruments...
Improved management of water resources is a key environmental and economic concern for many developing countries. The quality of both surface water and ground water is being degraded rapidly, and large...
Development strategies for agriculture and rural development have no until recently given explicit attention to the implications of rising real costs for crude oil and related forms of energy. The objective...
Development strategies for agriculture and rural development have no until recently given explicit attention to the implications of rising real costs for crude oil and related forms of energy. The objective...