Faster and more inclusive growth is needed for Nigeria to make significant progress towards reducing poverty. Addressing the sizable gender gaps and the drivers that undermine women’s economic empowerment...
Mechanization has the potential to boost agricultural production and reduce poverty in rural economies, but its impacts remain poorly understood. This paper randomizes the subsidized provision of a pair...
Young adults seeking to enter the labor market often confront a skills mismatch with firms reporting difficulty finding new entrants with appropriate levels of soft skills. This paper reports findings...
Women in Ethiopia bear a disproportionate burden of childcare responsibilities, spending approximately eight times the amount of time that men do on childcare. Childcare duties, while critical to the development...
Substantial gender gaps exist in labor force participation and productivity in the agriculture sector in Nigeria. Closing the gender productivity gap in agriculture could lead to sizable gains in the Nigerian...
Nigeria is Africa's most populous country and largest economy. Its abundance of natural resources, large youth population, and vibrant private sector suggest that it has the potential to be a global economic...
Nigeria is Africa's most populous country and largest economy. Its abundance of natural resources, large youth population, and vibrant private sector suggest that it has the potential to be a global economic...
This report highlights how the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis has impacted Nigeria’s economy. In 2020, Nigeria’s economy is expected to experience its deepest recession since the 1980s due to the COVID-19-related...
This edition of the Nigeria Development Update provides policy options that Nigerian policymakers may consider in order to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and lay the foundation for a strong...
This study presents results from a randomized evaluation of two labor market interventions targeted to young women aged 18 to 19 years in three of Nairobi's poorest neighborhoods. One treatment offered...