Despite a rebound in economic growth following the pandemic, new geopolitical developments and macroeconomic shocks-inflation and monetary responses to inflation, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the...
This publication provides a second technical update that reflects deteriorating global economic conditions following the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine combined with increasing inflation, and...
The most equitable, efficient and effective way to finance Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and other health system objectives is by using public, compulsory, and prepaid domestic funding. As a country’s...
This note provides guidance on how to carry out a 'drill-down' examination of domestic resource mobilization (DRM) for increased health sector fiscal space to ensure progress towards universal health coverage...
Overall nutrition-specific expenditure in Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka remains low, although substantial variation exists among these countries. Given the high rates of malnutrition in these countries...
Volume 2 updates the analyses presented in the original discussion paper, Volume 1, "From Double Shock to Double Recovery - Implications and Options for Health Financing in the Time of COVID-19," published...
This publication updates the analyses presented in the original discussion paper “From Double Shock to Double Recovery-Implications and Options for Health Financing in the Time of COVID-19,” published...
The South Asia Human Capital Plan acknowledges the great strides the region has made in investing in human capital but highlights the deficits that remain. Given current quality, coverage, and effectiveness...
Volume 2 updates the analyses presented in the original discussion paper, Volume 1, "From Double Shock to Double Recovery - Implications and Options for Health Financing in the Time of COVID-19," published...
Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19’s) impact has gone far beyond its direct effect on morbidity and mortality. In addition to adversely impacting non-COVID health care utilization, the pandemic has resulted in...
Vietnam is changing rapidly economically, with parallel shifts in epidemiology and demographics. There have also been significant policy shifts in recent years, including in the health sector. The combined...
As countries undergo their health financing transitions, moving away from external and out-of-pocket (OOP) financing toward domestically sourced public financing, the issue of fiscal space – that is, of...
Myanmar’s National Health Plan (NHP) for 2017-2021 has laid out the vision of achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030. The NHP aims to improve the delivery of health services and financial protection...