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  • The ECA's diaspora populations can aid growth and development (English)

    The diaspora populations from Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries are large in both absolute and relative terms. Nearly 11 percent of the population in the region resides outside the country of birth...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 67970 Document Date: April 1, 2012 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Canagarajah,Roy S.,Heleniak,Timothy E.

  • The challenges to long run fiscal sustainability in Romania (English)

    Romania, along with many other countries in the European Union, faces daunting fiscal challenges. Fiscal balances deteriorated sharply following the global economic crisis, forcing Romania to implement...

    Document Type: Policy Research Working Paper Report No.: WPS5927 Document Date: January 1, 2012 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Brownbridge,Martin,Canagarajah,Roy S.,Dumitru,Ionut,Paliu, Anca

  • Migration and remittances in CIS countries during the global economic crisis (Russian)

    Despite the fact that the free flow of people across borders is the lynchpin of today's globalized world, more importance is usually given to the unrestricted movement of capital and goods. As a consequence...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 52799 Document Date: January 1, 2010 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Canagarajah,Roy S.,Kholmatov,Matin

  • Migration and remittances in CIS countries during the global economic crisis (English)

    Despite the fact that the free flow of people across borders is the lynchpin of today's globalized world, more importance is usually given to the unrestricted movement of capital and goods. As a consequence...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 52799 Document Date: January 1, 2010 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Canagarajah,Roy S.,Kholmatov,Matin

  • Uganda's virtual poverty fund : pro-poor spending reform (English)

    The provision of debt relief to Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPCs) commencing in the late 1990s, and the growing interest among donors in providing direct budget support, increased donor focus on national...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 43849 Document Date: March 1, 2008 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Tim Williamson,Canagarajah,Roy S.

  • Fiscal policy for growth and development in Tajikistan (English)

    Tajikistan's economy has recovered strongly after the collapse of the 1990s, but sustaining rapid economic growth over the long term and reducing poverty present major challenges for policymakers. This...

    Document Type: Policy Research Working Paper Report No.: WPS4532 Document Date: February 1, 2008 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Brownbridge,Martin,Canagarajah,Roy S.

  • Pro-poor public spending reform : Uganda's virtual poverty fund (English)

    The Poverty Action Fund (PAF) was introduced in Uganda in 1998 to reorient government expenditures towards implementing its Poverty Education Action Plan (PEAP) as well as to account for Heavily Indebted...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 37141 Document Date: March 1, 2006 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Canagarajah,Roy S.,Williamson,Timothy Stephen

  • Uganda: integrating gender into policy actions (English)

    The findings of both macro- and microeconomic analysis of the links between growth and gender inequality have shown that large gender disparities in basic human rights, resources, economic opportunity...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 33170 Document Date: April 1, 2005 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Canagarajah,Roy S.

  • Evolution of poverty and welfare in Ghana in the 1990s : Achievements and challenges (English)

    This paper traces Ghana's economic transition in the 1990s with special focus on its social welfare and poverty dynamics. Ghana returned to a slow but steady rate of economic growth, even though the world...

    Document Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series) Report No.: 28065 Document Date: October 1, 2003 Disclosure Status: Author: Portner,Claus Christian,Canagarajah,Roy S.

  • Child labor in Africa : issues and challenges (English)

    How serious is the issue of child labor in Sub-Saharan Africa? Many African experts consider it to be no problem, while others believe it to be more serious than anywhere else in the world. A cursory glance...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 23091 Document Date: November 30, 2001 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Andvig,Jens Christopher,Canagarajah,Roy S.,Kielland,Anne,Kielland,Anne