The World Bank's World Development Report 1993: Investing in Health, the sixteenth in the World Development Report series, examined the interplay between human health, health policy, and economic development...
This paper examines the determinants and consequences of population growth in Egypt in the recent past and the near future. Since slowing the growth rate of population has long been the objective of Egyptian...
The effect of community characteristics, in general, and access to family planning services, in particular, on contraceptive use has received considerable attention for several reasons. First, from a policy...
This paper presents a detailed analysis of fertility in 10 sub - Saharan African countries for which World Fertility Survey data are available. These data and similar data from other developing countries...
This paper analyzes the effects of education, health and social security on fertility in developing countries. Spending on education does not necessarily reduce fertility. For example, with small amounts...
The determinants of participation of children in school need to be studied in order to design policies to achieve a country's educational goals. Although characteristics of the educational system have...
This paper discusses the effects of education on fertlity and mortality. It states that the higher the level of the parents' education, the lower the mortality of their children. The effect of education...
This paper presents a detailed analysis of fertility in 10 sub - Saharan African countries for which World Fertility Survey data are available. These data and similar data from other developing countries...
The purpose of this paper is to review Africans' perceptions of the relationship between population growth and economic development in sub - Saharan Africa. To accomplish this purpose, the paper attempts:...
Modernization of developing nations always includes the spread of education, but factors influencing the rate and consequences of its spread remain poorly understood. This paper examines data recently...