This book attempts to find out who the presidents of the Bank were and to examine their actions and the reasons for their decisions as a useful and illuminating way of understanding the history of the...
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: one in twenty dies, by Mary Lou Ingram; 'people focus' highlights FY89, by Alan Drattell; the invisible sector, by Bernard Woods; on...
This Bank's world newsletter includes some of the following issue: in Indonesia, a time for women and children, by Leandro Coronel; victor Umbricht: an international civil servant with a mission, by William...
This is the first book to deal exclusively with the management of development banks, their specific problems, and various ways of addressing them. The book comprises eight sections, each dealing with one...
This is the first book to deal exclusively with the management of development banks, their specific problems, and various ways of addressing them. The book comprises eight sections, each dealing with one...
This is the first publication of the Economic Development Institute. Its essential objective is to improve the quality of economic management in government in the less developed countries. The prospects...
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: the Greek's have a word for it by William Diamond; personals; who's who in the Bank; bowling league team standings; hospital...