China’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth has moderated since the second quarter of 2024, owing to subdued domestic demand. The government has responded to the domestic demand slowdown with incremental...
China’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth has moderated since the second quarter of 2024, owing to subdued domestic demand. The government has responded to the domestic demand slowdown with incremental...
中国的经济活动继续随着疫情状况而起伏——疫情暴发和增长放缓过后出现了不均衡的复苏。在2019年新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)爆发以及4月和5月严格的公共卫生措施导致经济下滑之后,随着感染人数的减少,三季度经济活动有所回升。国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长3.9%,而二季度只有0.4%。高频指标显示,四季度由于新冠病例回升,经济增长再次放缓。尽管有财政和货币政策支持,但 2022 年实际 GDP...