This paper assesses the reliability of poverty maps derived from remote-sensing data. Employing data for Malawi, it first obtains small area estimates of poverty by combining the Malawi household expenditure...
This paper proposes a method for estimating distribution functions that are associated with the nested errors in linear mixed models. The estimator incorporates Empirical Bayes prediction while making...
This paper is organized in following headings: can we trust shoestring evaluations?; evaluation of development programs: randomized controlled trials or regressions?; effects of Colombia’s social protection...
Can project evaluation methods be used to evaluate programs: complex interventions involving multiple activities? A program evaluation cannot be based simply on separate evaluations of its components if...
Can project evaluation methods be used to evaluate programs: complex interventions involving multiple activities? A program evaluation cannot be based simply on separate evaluations of its components if...
The small-area estimation technique developed for producing poverty maps has been applied in a large number of developing countries. Opportunities to formally test the validity of this approach remain...
The authors examine the performance of small area welfare estimation. The method combines census and survey data to produce spatially disaggregated poverty and inequality estimates. To test the method...
This issue includes the following: growth and risk: methodology and micro evidence; by Chris Elbers, Jan Willem Gunning, and Bill Kinsey. Dollars, debt, and international financial institutions: dedollarizing...
How exposure to risk affects economic growth is a key issue in development. This article quantifies both the ex ante and ex post effects of risk using long-running panel data for rural households in Zimbabwe...
The authors propose a modification to the conventional approach of decomposing income inequality by population sub-groups. Specifically, they propose a measure that evaluates observed between-group inequality...
Using recently completed "poverty maps" for Cambodia, Ecuador, and Madagascar, the authors simulate the impact on poverty of transferring an exogenously given budget to geographically defined subgroups...
Communities differ in important ways in their needs, capacities, and circumstances. Because central governments are not able to discern these differences fully, they seek to achieve their policy objectives...
Trade policy and poverty reduction in Brazil by Glenn W Harrison, Thomas F. Rutherford, David G. Tarr, and Angelo Gurgel; Trade liberalization and industry wage structure: evidence from Brazil by Nina...
Important differences exist between communities with respect to their needs, capacities, and circumstances. As central governments are not able to discern these differences fully, they seek to achieve...