This paper presents new estimates of the effects of dry episodes (rainfall shocks) and droughts on gross domestic product per capita growth rates using state-of-the-art empirical methods. Rainfall and...
As climate change intensifies, dry rainfall shocks and droughts are a growing concern. At the same time, scientific evidence suggests that the world has surpassed the safe planetary boundary for green...
This case study report discusses current development strategy for the Bangladesh Delta, which reflects an integrated approach to disaster risk management and water resources management. In this context...
The purpose of the Resilient Water Infrastructure Design Brief is to guide users on how resilience can be built into the engineering design of their project. With a focus on the three natural hazards most...
This working paper draws from the joint World Bank and World Meteorological Organization / Global Water Partnership Integrated Drought Management Program (IDMP) work stream on benefits of action and costs...
Lima is the capital of and largest city in Peru, with an estimated population of about 10 million people. SEDAPAL, Lima’s water utility, provides water to most of the metropolitan region. While SEDAPAL...
Resilience-building activities are increasingly evident in development projects, and as a result, there is a growing focus on monitoring and evaluating the associated outcomes of these projects for improved...
As with many countries, droughts are often managed as a crisis in Brazil, rather than events for which officials and communities proactively prepare. Although droughts are not new to Brazil, the recent...
The majority of Northeast Brazil falls within the semi-arid zone, an area that is defined by both a minimal amount of annual rainfall (i.e., 800 millimeters per year on average) and a concentration of...
The majority of Northeast Brazil falls within the semi-arid zone, an area that is defined by both a minimal amount of annual rainfall (i.e., 800 millimeters per year on average) and a concentration of...
The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region has a unique mix of qualities and challenges when it comes to the environment. It is exceptionally endowed with natural assets, with globally significant biodiversity...