This report takes stock of the development of GovTech solutions in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations (FCS), be they characterized by low institutional capacity and/or by active conflict and provides...
This paper provides insights for World Bank staff to support a stronger understanding of the challenges, opportunities, and entry points to mainstreaming citizen engagement in fragility,conflict, and violence...
Public financial management (PFM) is fundamental for effective resource management and the backbone for effective and efficient public service delivery. Citizen engagement (CE) in the PFM cycle contributes...
Opening the black box: contextual drivers of social accountability effectiveness focuses on social accountability (SA), a form of citizen engagement defined in World Bank reports as the ‘extent and capability...
Social accountability (SA) refers to the extent and capability of citizens to hold the state accountable and make it responsive to their needs. Although its importance for better governance and reducing...
This brief provides an introduction to the issue of citizen engagement (CE) as well as the piloting of the agenda in the Bank's Middle East and North Africa (MNA) region. The objective is to develop sustainable...
Social accountability is increasingly recognized as a way to make governance reforms and development efforts more effective in responding to the needs of citizens. Supporting initiatives that strengthen...
If states would interact more synergistically with communities, they could tap local energies and resources for development-- and help create a development-oriented society and polity in the process. The...