This paper estimates the effect of school-based management on student performance in the Philippines using the administrative dataset of all public schools in 23 school districts over a 3-year period...
This paper estimates the effect of school-based management on student performance in the Philippines using the administrative dataset of all public schools in 23 school districts over a 3-year period...
Vietnam's integration with the international economy has increased significantly over the past decade, aided by substantial liberalization of trade, and appears set to increase further as trade-expanding...
As part of a larger initiative of thematic program evaluations, this evaluation examines the extent to which the Community Empowerment and Social Inclusion Program (CESI) achieved its objectives in FY02...
WBI's Social Protection Program supports the World Bank's mission to provide security, reduce vulnerability, and eradicate extreme poverty through knowledge and learning products for Bank staff and their...
This report evaluates staff learning activities offered in FY04. Institute Evaluation Group (IEG)compiled level one evaluation questionnaires completed by 4,750 respondents in 317 staff learning activities...
Poverty reduction remains the key global challenge. By building individual and institutional capacity in client countries, WBI aims to contribute to this mission. Through both traditional and distance...
World Bank Institute (WBI) programs are organized around priority themes or initiatives linked to the World Bank's corporate aims and the Millennium Development Goals. Over the past two years, however...
This study reports the findings of the retrospective study of WBI's Tajikistan program and will serve as the baseline for the prospective evaluation work in that country. The evaluation takes into consideration...
The primary goal of the World Bank Institute (WBI) is to provide knowledge services to build institutional capacity in client countries. In FY03, WBI launched a new approach to providing services that...
In the latter half of the 1990s, budget deficits and debt levels in Turkey were allowed to reach such high levels that the country's macroeconomic stability was severely undermined. High inflation and...
In the latter half of the 1990s, budget deficits and debt levels in Turkey were allowed to reach such high levels that the country's macroeconomic stability was severely undermined. High inflation and...
This report provides an evaluation of the impact of World Bank Institute (WBI) client programs. The report discusses the evaluation methodology, results, and recommendations. In Chapter 2 an overview of...