One-fifth of the world's population lives in countries affected by fragility, violence and conflict, impeding long-term economic growth. However, little is known about how firms respond to local changes...
One-fifth of the world's population lives in countries affected by fragility, violence and conflict, impeding long-term economic growth. However, little is known about how firms respond to local changes...
Employment creation is a key area where the private sector can contribute to poverty reduction. The objectives of this study are to gain some general insights into the channels where the private sector...
In pursuing its goal of social and economic development by investing in the private sector, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) seeks to understand how it can most effectively contribute to economic...
In pursuing its goal of social and economic development by investing in the private sector, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) seeks to understand how it can most effectively contribute to job...
In pursuing its goal of social and economic development by investing in the private sector, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) seeks to understand how it can most effectively contribute to economic...
The authors present a political economy model in which policy is the outcome of an interaction between three actors: government (G), managers and workers (W), and transfer recipients (P). The government's...
The Bank adapts to changing circumstances in transition economies - interview with Vice President Johannes Linn; by Richard Hirschler. Dividing transition gains and losses: pensions, privatization, and...