Anecdotal studies have highlighted the recent rapid growth of so-called affordable housing finance companies across India. These new lenders are reported to be using a high-touch approach common to microfinance...
The focus of this paper is on the demand for housing in urban India. Using rental data, the paper finds that income elasticities of housing demand are high and elastic across time. Hedonic pricing regressions...
Georgia instituted a National Strategy for Financial Education by means of NBG Decree 145/04 of December 15, 2016. The strategy began to be implemented in the following year, under the leadership of the...
Despite their importance, data on the structure of bank credit by maturity are scarce. For Latin America and the Caribbean, data are particularly difficult to obtain, as few banks report loan maturity...
In this paper on the summary of notes and indications of policies for improving competitiveness in the Caribbean the authors believe that after years of low growth, high unemployment and indebtedness...
The Diagnostic Review of Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy provide a detailed institutional, legal and regulatory assessment for consumer protection in four segments of the financial sector: banking...
The diagnostic review for consumer protection and financial literacy (CPFL) provides a detailed assessment of the institutional, legal, and regulatory framework for consumer protection in four segments...
The diagnostic review for consumer protection and financial literacy (CPFL) provides a detailed assessment of the institutional, legal, and regulatory framework for consumer protection in four segments...
Economic growth in Georgia was strong at 6.1 percent per year during 2004-12 as structural reforms and a favorable global economy led to large foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and expansion in the...
Sustaining rapid economic growth for reduced poverty and shared prosperity over the next decade and beyond in Georgia is an important goal and a key challenge for the authorities. While the record of growth...