Since 1982 more than half the world's countries have reformed their electricity sectors. Implemented correctly, the standard reform model, with competition, unbundling, and effective regulation, can lead...
In recent years, small modular reactors (SMRs) have been attracting considerable attention around the world. SMR designs incorporate innovative approaches to achieve simplicity, modularity and speed of...
Eurasian cities, unique in the global spatial landscape, were part of the world's largest experiment in urban development. The challenges they now face because of their history offer valuable lessons to...
The East African Community has long recognized that regional economic integration can yield significant welfare gains to its member states. To that end, the community has been making steady progress towards...
Skeptics point out, with some justification, that the nuclear industry's prospects were dimmed by escalating costs long before Fukushima. If history is any guide, one direct consequence of the calamity...
The paper investigates the strength of innovation-driven employment growth, the role of competition in stimulating and facilitating it, and whether it is inclusive. In a sample of more than 26,000 manufacturing...
This paper complements previous work on the economics of different energy resources by examining the growth potential of alternative electricity supply infrastructures as constrained by innate physical...
This paper offers a new economic explanation for the observed inter-industry differences in the size distribution of firms. The empirical estimates--based on three temporal (1982, 1987, and 1992) cross-sections...
The challenges and opportunities of nuclear power in meeting the projected large absolute increase in energy demand, especially electricity, throughout the industrialized and developing world, while helping...
This issue includes the following : Ideas and innovation in East Asia, by Milan Brahmghatt and Albert Hu. Impact assessments in finance and private sector development : what have we learned and what should...
In recent years, there has been an increasing recognition that significant welfare gains could be realized through deep forms of regional integration which entail harmonization of legal, regulatory and...
This paper reviews the progress made in the literature toward defining and measuring the affordability of utilities. It highlights the relative merits of alternate affordability metrics; the practical...
One of the contentious issues in electricity reform is whether there are significant gains from restructuring systems that are moderately well run. South Africa's electricity system is a case in point...
This paper uses an analytically tractable intertemporal framework for analyzing the dynamic pricing of a utility with an underdeveloped network (a typical case in most developing countries) facing a competitive...
This issue includes the following: Democracy, public expenditures, and the poor: understanding political incentives for providing public services by Philip Keefer and Stuti Khemani; Evaluating the impact...
Infrastructure is crucial for generating growth, alleviating poverty, and increasing international competitiveness. For much of the twentieth century and in most countries, the network utilities that delivered...
Infrastructure industries and services are crucial for generating economic growth, alleviating poverty, and increasing international competitiveness. Safe water is essential for life, and health. Reliable...
During the months of May and July 1998, representatives of the World Bank engaged in a round of informal meetings with high-level representatives of government and the telecommunications services industry...
The objectives of this report are to: (i) provide a diagnostic assessment of post-privatization regulation in the telecommunications, electricity, and gas sectors of Argentina; (ii) identify the major...
Throughout the world, the rail industry has been one of the most heavily regulated sectors. The public utility paradigm of government regulation has failed to handle the central regulatory problem - the...