Iraq’s economy is gradually emerging from the deep recession caused by the pandemic and the plunge in oil prices in 2020. Higher oil revenues pushed Iraq’s overall fiscal and external balances into a surplus...
This report presents the findings from the second phase of the Research for Results (R4R) program. The R4R program is a partnership between the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), the World...
Human capital development is imperative to achieve sustainable economic growth in Iraq. At the heart of Iraq’s human capital crisis is a learning crisis, which is exacerbated by effects of the Coronavirus...
Human capital development is imperative to achieve sustainable economic growth in Iraq. At the heart of Iraq’s human capital crisis is a learning crisis, which is exacerbated by effects of the Coronavirus...
Human capital development is a critical determinant of economic growth, equity, and prosperity, but outcomes in this domain are worryingly low in Lebanon, risking the future of generations of children...
This report presents detailed findings of a teacher performance study in Lebanon, one of four studies carried out under the research for results (R4R) program, a partnership between the Lebanese Ministry...
The objective of the Reaching All Children With Education In Lebanon Support Project is to promote equitable access to education services, enhance quality of student learning, and strengthen the education...