The private sector in the Caribbean is crucial for economic growth and job creation and economic resilience is thus heavily determined by the shock absorbing capacity of individual firms and households...
This note assesses competitive dynamics and potential impediments in Chile’s financial sector in order to provide actionable policy recommendations. This note contains both a quantitative as well as qualitative...
Financial repression resurfaced in the wake of the global financial crisis and might become a common feature in the post Covid-19 world. To advance knowledge and inform policy advice, this paper presents...
Financial repression resurfaced in the wake of the global financial crisis and may become a common feature in the post Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) world. To advance knowledge and inform policy advice...
This paper revisits trends in bank privatization and analyzes their economic impact over the past 25 years. Building on a novel data set of privatization events for 70 developed and developing countries...
This paper analyzes the use of capital flow measures in emerging markets. Drawing on a specially compiled new database of capital flow measures, it establishes that policy makers in emerging market economies...
Ceilings on lending rates remain a widely used policy tool that is intended to lower the overall cost of credit or protect consumers from exorbitant rates. Interest rate caps come in many forms and scopes...
This paper analyzes the spillover effects of U.S. monetary policy announcements on emerging market economies since end-2008, the period coinciding with the use of unconventional policy measures. Monetary...
According to conventional wisdom, capital flows are fickle. Focusing on emerging markets, this paper asks whether this conventional wisdom still holds in the contemporary world. The results show that...