Achieving universal health coverage (UHC) is a top global priority, and nutrition actions are a critical part of meeting that goal. When delivered within key windows of opportunity to improve health throughout...
Achieving universal health coverage (UHC) is a top global priority, and nutrition actions are a critical part of meeting that goal. When delivered within key windows of opportunity to improve health throughout...
In January 2016 the Government of Bangladesh requested technical assistance from the World Bank and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to estimate the cost of implementing nutrition actions considered...
Wasting (low weight-for-height) occurs when children lose weight rapidly, generally from low caloric intake and/or repeated infections; it is an indicator of acute undernutrition. In 2012, the World Health...
This paper builds on global experience and Guinea-Bissau's specific context to identify an effective nutrition approach along with costs and benefits of key nutrition interventions. It is intended to help...
This paper builds on global experience and Guinea-Bissau's specific context to identify an effective nutrition approach along with costs and benefits of key nutrition interventions. It is intended to help...