وسط تداعيات الصراع الروسي-الأوكراني، والاختناقات المستمرة في سلاسل الإمداد، وتشديد الأوضاع المالية العالمية، تشهد مصر ارتفاعاً في التضخم، وتدفقات إلى الخارج من استثمارات المحفظة، مما أضاف إلى الضغوط على...
Amidst repercussions from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, lingering supply chain disruptions, and tightening global financial conditions, Egypt is experiencing a spike in inflation and has suffered abrupt...
The Egyptian economy continues to show resilience through the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the macroeconomic and energy sector reforms implemented in recent years, along with measures to ease monetary conditions...
The Egyptian economy continues to show resilience through the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the macroeconomic and energy sector reforms implemented in recent years, along with measures to ease monetary conditions...
Egypt has considerable potential to become a regional trade hub. A key challenge is how to leverage this potential to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth that benefits the country’s population at...