The study presents a comprehensive review of developing country trade policies and market access issues as they evolved over the period 1990-2012. The main findings are, first, that applied tariffs as...
This paper reviews trends and patterns in developing countries' trade from 1980 to 2010. During the 30-year span, world trade expanded rapidly, especially in developing countries in the last decade. A...
The twelve members of the Commonwealth of Independent States established a Free Trade Area to help maintain trade among each other. More recently, Belarus, Kazakstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Russia agreed...
The twelve members of the Commonwealth of Independent States established a Free Trade Area to help maintain trade among each other. More recently, Belarus, Kazakstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Russia agreed...
After the breakup of the Soviet Union, the commonwealth of independent states (CIS-7) faced exceptional challenges in building new states, democratic institutions, and market economies. All of the CIS-7...
Opening addresses by Andras Inotai, Franz Kaps, Carol Balassa, Benjamin King, Mihaly Simai, and Gyorgy Szapary. International competitiveness, multifactor productivity and growth in the United States...
This sourcebook was written to assist low-income countries with the development and strengthening of their poverty reduction strategies. This book has been designed as a resource for analysis and discourse...
This sourcebook was written to assist low-income countries with the development and strengthening of their poverty reduction strategies. This book has been designed as a resource for analysis and discourse...
In this paper, developed as part of the World Bank's Poverty Reduction Strategy Sourcebook, the authors examine how to implement trade liberalization as part of a strategy for alleviating poverty in developing...
The author analyzes how changes in thinking about the role trade plays in economic development have been reflected in provisions affecting developing countries in the GATT and the WTO. He focuses on the...
The author analyzes 61 trade policy reviews prepared for the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its predecessor, GATT - reviews that document the progress developing countries have made in integration...
The author analyzes current trade policies and challenges faced by the transition economies - especially countries in the former soviet Union - as they are integrated into the world trading system. With...
Many developing countries have been reluctant to participate in multilateral trade negotiations except for those on agriculture and services, topics mandated under previous World Trade Organization (WTO...
Countries in transition have considered membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) an important step toward integration in the international economic system. After several years of negotiations...
In the 1960s and 1970s developing countries viewed UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade & Development) rather than the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade) as the main institution through...
Although the European Union (EU) and the United States have greatly increased access to their markets for products from transition economies, they continue to treat many of their new trading partners as...
In the aftermath of the breakup of the Soviet Union, trade among the new independent states collapsed. To help reestablish interstate trade, the 12 members of the Commonwealth of independent States (CIS)...
Reform boosts growth and foreign investment. Nations in transit - 1997 Freedom House rankings. Good policies are needed to make aid effective. The EBRD increases activity : interview with EBRD's Chief...
Payments problems constrained interstate trade among the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries in 1992-95, especially during the prolonged demise of the ruble zone. Two kinds of solutions...
Integration with the global economy is essential in making the transition from plan to market. All 15 new independent states (NIS) established in the economic space of the former Soviet Union (FSU) suffered...