In recent years, the prospects of Kenya’s tourism industry have been clouded by a perfect storm of misfortunes – insecurity, growing global competition, and unsustainable tourism development. It is in...
The development objective of the Second Private Sector Competitiveness and Economic Diversification Project (PSCEDPII) for Lesotho is to contribute to increased private sector investments, firm growth...
Shifting Kenya’s private sector into higher gear: a trade and competitiveness agenda’ was born out of the World Bank’s Trade and Competitiveness (T&C) Global Practice recent stock taking of its work in...
The Kenya CEM has five main messages. First, Kenya has performed well in the past decade in terms of economic growth, and modern services are behind the acceleration of growth. Expansion in these services...
The Government of Rwanda has introduced several reforms since 2009 that have significantly improved the domestic business environment. One of the reforms is the one-stop shop for business registration...
In 2014, Kenya’s Ministry of Industrialization requested technical assistance from the World Bank to conduct competitiveness assessments and develop competitiveness strategies for four key industries:...
The Government of Kenya recognizes that the performance of the furniture sector is crucial both to employment and growth in the country. The Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development (MOIED)...
Kenya’s textile and apparel sector has the potential to play a key role in anchoring the country’s deeper movement into middle income status and in serving as a source of gainful employment for its fast...
Firms generally seek to acquire a competent and stable workforce, as well as to maintain and upgrade the aggregate knowledge and skills of their workers at the lowest possible cost. In doing so, they routinely...
Tertiary education in Chile has been transformed radically over the past 20 years. As recently as 1990, tertiary education was an elite system centered on a handful of traditional universities which served...