In 2010, Kenya promulgated a new constitution that established a decentralized system of governance through 47 county governments that have been given the mandate to conduct public participation. Implemented...
KADP has developed this County leader’s briefing note on Participatory Budgeting (PB) to support leaders to understand PB, why it is important, its pros and cons, as well as highlight a few successful...
This manual is part of the learning material developed by the Kenya participatory budgeting (PB) initiative (KBPI) that is being implemented under the World Bank’s Kenya accountable devolution program...
The introduction of citizen engagement into law is an idea that is gaining popularity around the world. New provisions in Kenya’s Constitution enshrine openness, accountability, and public participation...
This report covers four areas that had been identified by County officers from both the County Executive and the County Assembly as areas that have brought conflict and disharmony in Counties. These issues...
The introduction of citizen engagement into law is an idea that is gaining popularity around the world. New provisions in Kenya’s Constitution enshrine openness, accountability, and public participation...
Kenya has embarked on a highly ambitious decentralization that seeks to fundamentally change the relationship between government and citizens under the 2010 Constitution. The Constitution and new legal...
Kenya's new Constitution and supportive legal framework contain multiple provisions requiring both national government and counties to make information publicly available and consult with citizens in planning...
Kenya's new Constitution mandates a new era of public participation in government, particularly within the devolved government structure. The new devolved structures can benefit from reviewing the country's...
Kenya's new Constitution mandates a new era of public participation in government, particularly in the 47 new County Governments. Despite the limited participation in decisions regarding the vast majority...
Kenya's new Constitution mandates a new era of public participation in government, particularly in the 47 new County Governments. Despite the limited participation in decisions regarding the vast majority...