Women in rural areas, and in particular female farmers, have significantly less access to financial services than their male counterparts. Such limited access is harmful to female farmers and their families...
Agricultural transformation that involves the production of high-value food products and post-harvest processing is high on the policy agenda in many developing countries. A surge in the demand for high...
Sudan continuously faces daunting challenges, and the fundamental reforms are a priority for the transitional government. The country suffers from high inflation, macroeconomic imbalances, an increasing...
In March 2018, Uganda's Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) formally requested technical assistance from the World Bank Group (WBG) to conduct a technical and diagnostic review...
As a key pillar of the Ugandan economy, the agriculture sector is a critical driver of economic growth and poverty alleviation. Uganda's agricultural sector is dominated by smallholders with low levels...
What are the key success factors for the agriculture credit guarantee schemes (CGS)? Are there any design features and interventions to minimize the risk? This paper tries to draw some lessons learned...
The agricultural sector plays a critical role in the Zambian economy. The share of the agriculture sector's GDP financed by the banking sector is among the highest in Africa. Nearly half the population...
Agriculture is critical to Rwanda’s economy and a key sector in Rwanda’s Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS). Agriculture finance is a national priority to achieve transformation...