Nepal is experiencing a shift from a unitary to a three-tier government structure. The transition has led to increased financial independence and decision-making responsibilities for urban local level...
The objective of this report is to inform the government’s policies and strategies on urbanization as a driver of economic development, job creation, and poverty reduction. Note two examines internal migration...
The objective of this report is to inform the government’s policies and strategies on urbanization as a driver of economic development, job creation, and poverty reduction. Note 1 examines Rwanda’s urbanization...
This note analyzes whether and how the country’s rising urbanization levels (measured primarily by population density) are associated with nonfarm job creation and poverty reduction. By focusing on Rwanda’s...
Rwanda has demonstrated a remarkable performance in economic growth and poverty reduction in the past decade and a half. With urbanization as an explicit developmental strategy, the government has indeed...
Reshaping Urbanization in Rwanda: Economic and Spatial Trends and Proposals is an Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA), jointly provided by the Poverty and Equity Global Practice and the Social, Urban...