Research from the United States shows that gaps in early cognitive and noncognitive abilities appear early in the life cycle. Little is known about this important question for developing countries. This...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Does money matter? : the effects of cash transfers on child health and development in rural Ecuador, conducted in 2003 in...
The authors examine how a government-run cash transfer program targeted to poor mothers in rural Ecuador influenced the health and development of their children. This program is of particular interest...
The effect of macroeconomic crises on child health is a topic of great policy importance. This article analyzes the impact of a profound crisis in Peru on infant mortality. It finds an increase of about...
Paxson and Schady examine the relationship between early cognitive development, socioeconomic status, child health, and parenting quality in a developing country. They use a sample of over 3,000 predominantly...
The Varieties of Resource Experience: Natural Resource Export Structures and the Political Economy of Economic Growth by Jonathan Isham, Michael Woolcock, Lant Pritchett, and Gwen Busby; Attaching Workers...
Between 1992 and 1998 the Peruvian Social Fund (foncodes) spent about US dollar 570 million funding micro projects throughout the country. Many of these projects involved constructing and renovating school...
Total factor productivity has been low in most Sub-Saharan Africa. It is often said that the binding constraint on African industrial development is the inadequate supply of technologically capable workers...
Do flexible labor markets lubricate growth? Using data from Taiwan, China, to analyze the effects of labor market flexibility, the authors find that: 1) Workers are more likely to move to industries that...
How well do rural households in developing countries mitigate the income risk of the rural sector? There are several sensible reasons why households cannot fully insure consumption against income fluctuations...
This paper is broadly concerned with the living standards of older people in two contrasting developing countries, Cote d' Ivoire and Thailand. A series of household surveys from these two countries is...