This report provides a diagnostic of Viet Nam’s entrepreneurship ecosystem and details a set of targeted recommendations for improving conditions for innovative entrepreneurship in the country. The diagnostic...
China’s rapid growth since the mid-1990s has been largely propelled by investment in industry, infrastructure, and urbanization. However, such a growth model has proved to be highly energy intensive. Further...
The objective of this working paper is to: (i) document China’s business environment reform experience over the past few years, (ii) analyze the reform measures and the institutional arrangements that...
China considers innovation be one of the key drivers of its future growth and convergence with more developed countries. It spends more than 2.2 percent of GDP on R&D, above the average for the European...
Mongolia has a comparative advantage in agribusiness, especially downstream industries using livestock products. Yet its share in worldwide exports of agribusiness commodities is insignificant. Enhancing...
China has impressed the world with its rapid economic growth over the past four decades, during which time it has increased its real income per capita by more than 25 times. However, the attendant environmental...
China has impressed the world with its rapid economic growth over the past four decades, during which time it has increased its real income per capita by more than 25 times. However, the attendant environmental...
Urbanization is a driving force for growth and poverty reduction. Globally, over 80 percent of economic activity is concentrated in cities, and cities are essential for lifting millions of people out of...
Urbanization is a driving force for growth and poverty reduction. Globally, over 80 percent of economic activity is concentrated in cities, and cities are essential for lifting millions of people out of...
Innovation policy is increasingly conceived as the shared responsibility of national and subnational governments, yet most countries are struggling with multilevel governance. This paper provides an overview...
The objective of the paper is (i) to help fill the gap in knowledge on the long-term economic history of Poland; (ii) to provide a new perspective to the debate on the economic future of Poland, with a...
The objective of the paper is (i) to help fill the gap in knowledge on the long-term economic history of Poland; (ii) to provide a new perspective to the debate on the economic future of Poland, with a...
This report reviews and evaluates the current state and future prospects of enterprise innovation in Poland. The analysis captures existing developmental dynamics and projects long-term trends in innovation...
Growth and competitiveness through employment, skills, and innovation and technology absorption are key issues to enable the European Union (EU) to meet the targets set out in the Europe 2020 strategy...