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  • Involuntary resettlement : the large dam experience (English)

    The Bank's recent study of involuntary resettlement show that if countries do not have both the capacity and the commitment to handle involuntary resettlement well, they should not embark on a large dam...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 22996 Document Date: December 1, 2000 Disclosure Status: Author: Picciotto,Robert,Rice,Edward B.,Van Wicklin Iii,Warren A.

  • Capacity building in the agricultural sector in Africa (English)

    Given the rural nature of most African economies and the concentration of the poor in rural areas, there is a pressing need to increase capacity to promote agricultural development. The studies discussed...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 22974 Document Date: April 30, 1999 Disclosure Status: Author: Rice,Edward B.

  • Paddy irrigation and water management in Southeast Asia (English)

    This Operations Evaluation Department study examines the impact of irrigation investments, operation, and maintenance in Southeast Asia. The review covers 6 gravity irrigation schemes in Thailand , Myanmar...

    Document Type: Publication Report No.: 16705 Document Date: April 30, 1997 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Rice,Edward B.