This is a statement by Mr. Guy Ryder, Director-General, International Labor Organization at the ninety-second meeting of the Development Committee held on October 10, 2015. He discusses on: transforming...
This is a statement by Guy Ryder, at the ninetieth meeting of the Development Committee held on October 11, 2014. He discusses about the goals of sustainable development and shared prosperity risk being...
This is a statement by Mr. Guy Ryder, Director-General, International Labour Organization, at the eighty-ninth meeting of the Development Committee held on April 12, 2014.
The Development Committee (Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries) held its...
This is a statement by Mr. Joe Hockey, Director-General of the International Labor Organization, at the eighty-eighth meeting of the Development Committe held on October 12, 2013. He discusses putting...