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  • Reaching the poor with health, nutrition, and population services : what works, what doesn't, and why : Llegar a los pobres : con salud, nutricion y servicios de poblacion - que funciona, que no y por que (Spanish)

    Health services can make an important contribution to improved health conditions among disadvantaged groups. Yet as the contents of this volume make clear, the health services supported by governments...

    Document Type: Publication Report No.: 34716 Document Date: January 1, 2006 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Gwatkin,Davidson R,Wagstaff, Adam,Yazbeck,Abdo S.,Qamruddin,Jumana N.,Waters,Hugh R.,Grabowsky, Mark,Farrell, Nick,Chimumbwa, John,Nobiya, Theresa,Wolkon, Adam,Selanikio, Joel,Montagu,Dominic,Prata, Ndola,Campbell, Martha M.,Walsh, Juli,Orero, Solomon,Thiede, Michael,Palmer, Natasha,Mbatsha, Sandi,Anwar, A.T.M. Iqbal,Killewo, Japhet,Chowdhury, Mahbub-E-Elahi,Dasgupta, Sushil Kanta,Schwartz,James Brad,Bhushan,Indu,Ranson,Michael Kent,Joshi, Palak,Shah, Mittal,Shaikh, Yasmin,Peters, David,Rao, Krishna,Ramana,Gandham N.V.,Malhotra,Anju,Mathur, Sanyukta,Pande,Rohini P.,Roca, Eva,Gasparini,Leonardo Carlos,Panadeiros, Monica,Barros, Aluisio J.D.,Victora,Cesar Gomes,Cesar, Juraci A.,Neumann, Nelson Arns,Bertoldi, Andrea D.,Valdivia Huaringa,Jose Martin

  • Development outreach 7 (2) : reaching the poor with health services (English)

    This development outreach newsletter includes some of the following headlines: special report: reaching the poor with health services. Vigilance, hope and hard work; by Abdo S. Yaazbeck and Davidson R...

    Document Type: Newsletter Report No.: 33717 Document Date: May 1, 2005 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Bhushan,Indu,Bloom,Erik A.,Butera,Jean Damascene,Coady, David P.,Diop, Francois Pathe,Excobar, Maria Luisa,Filmer,Deon P.,Gwatkin,Davidson R,Ir, Por,Joshi, Palak,Koro,Emmanuel,Loevinsohn,Benjamin P.,Malhotra,Anju,Mathur, Sanyukta,Mcneil,Mary L.,Meessen,Bruno,Mponda, Hadji,Mshinda, Hassan,Nathan,Rose,Pande,Rohini P.,Ranson,Michael Kent,Rawlings,Laura B.,Roca, Eva,Schwartz,James Brad,Shah, Mittal,Shaikh,Alanna Yasmin,Yazbeck,Abdo S.

  • Reaching the poor with health, nutrition, and population services : what works, what doesn't, and why (English)

    Health services can make an important contribution to improved health conditions among disadvantaged groups. Yet as the contents of this volume make clear, the health services supported by governments...

    Document Type: Publication Report No.: 34716 Document Date: January 1, 2005 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Gwatkin,Davidson R,Wagstaff, Adam,Yazbeck,Abdo S.,Qamruddin,Jumana N.,Waters,Hugh R.,Grabowsky, Mark,Farrell, Nick,Chimumbwa, John,Nobiya, Theresa,Wolkon, Adam,Selanikio, Joel,Montagu,Dominic,Prata, Ndola,Campbell, Martha M.,Walsh, Juli,Orero, Solomon,Thiede, Michael,Palmer, Natasha,Mbatsha, Sandi,Anwar, A.T.M. Iqbal,Killewo, Japhet,Chowdhury, Mahbub-E-Elahi,Dasgupta, Sushil Kanta,Schwartz,James Brad,Bhushan,Indu,Ranson,Michael Kent,Joshi, Palak,Shah, Mittal,Shaikh, Yasmin,Peters, David,Rao, Krishna,Ramana,Gandham N.V.,Malhotra,Anju,Mathur, Sanyukta,Pande,Rohini P.,Roca, Eva,Gasparini,Leonardo Carlos,Panadeiros, Monica,Barros, Aluisio J.D.,Victora,Cesar Gomes,Cesar, Juraci A.,Neumann, Nelson Arns,Bertoldi, Andrea D.,Valdivia Huaringa,Jose Martin

  • Cambodia - Using contracting to reduce inequity in primary health care delivery (English)

    This study examines the equity impact of using private sector contracts for the delivery of primary health care as an alternative to traditional government provision in Cambodia. It does so by using pre-...

    Document Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series) Report No.: 30474 Document Date: October 1, 2004 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Bhushan,Indu,Schwartz,James Brad