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  • Intermediate cities in Bolivia : a priority agenda (Spanish)

    Bolivia faces a unique opportunity to harness the benefits of urbanization and avoid the pitfalls that other countries have made in the past. The urbanization process in Bolivia is one of the last to occur...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 117252 Document Date: July 1, 2017 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Trohanis,Zoe Elena,Aguilera,Ana Silvia,Tejada,Roberto

  • Intermediate cities in Bolivia : a priority agenda (English)

    Bolivia faces a unique opportunity to harness the benefits of urbanization and avoid the pitfalls that other countries have made in the past. The urbanization process in Bolivia is one of the last to occur...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 117252 Document Date: June 1, 2017 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Trohanis,Zoe Elena,Aguilera,Ana Silvia,Tejada,Roberto