The Russian invasion of Ukraine has precipitated sharp rises in the prices of food, fuel, and fertilizers, for example, which will lead to acute food insecurity for millions of people. While the world...
Since 2012, the Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) has provided close to fifty million dollars in flexible funding, as well as non-financial support to more than fifty civil society-led...
The United Nations and World Bank jointly urge a shift away from managing crises toward prevention through inclusive and collective interventions (United Nations and World Bank 2018). Collaborative social...
This brief provides an introduction to the issue of citizen engagement (CE) as well as the piloting of the agenda in the Bank's Middle East and North Africa (MNA) region. The objective is to develop sustainable...
Social accountability is increasingly recognized as a way to make governance reforms and development efforts more effective in responding to the needs of citizens. Supporting initiatives that strengthen...
The Sierra Leone diagnostic trade integration study is prepared under the integrated framework for trade related technical assistance to least developed countries in response to a request from the Government...
This exercise is a compilation of three distinct but connected products: i) a synthesis of external assessments of participation in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) process, ii) a review of...
ESSD: Community driven development anchor now firmly established. Environment: latest public opinion on the environment now available. The environment strategy consultations in San Francisco. Critical...