Innovative women entrepreneurs can be agents of change and offer novel solutions to global challenges. However, they face multiple barriers to growing their businesses. This paper reviews the literature...
This retrospective report explores global progress and lessons learned over the past 10 years in promoting gender equality. This report takes stock of global progress and considers the impact of evidence-backed...
Young adults seeking to enter the labor market often confront a skills mismatch with firms reporting difficulty finding new entrants with appropriate levels of soft skills. This paper reports findings...
This note is part of a series highlighting the work of the five Gender Innovation Labs (GILs) that constitute the GIL Federation, a World Bank community of practice coordinated by the World Bank Gender...
This note is part of a series highlighting the work of the five Gender Innovation Labs (GILs) that constitute the GIL Federation, a World Bank community of practice coordinated by the World Bank Gender...
This note is part of a series highlighting the work of the five Gender Innovation Labs (GILs) that constitute the GIL Federation, a World Bank community of practice coordinated by the World Bank Gender...
This note is part of a series highlighting the work of the five Gender Innovation Labs (GILs) that constitute the GIL Federation, a World Bank community of practice coordinated by the World Bank Gender...
This note is part of a series highlighting the work of the five Gender Innovation Labs (GILs) that constitute the GIL Federation, a World Bank community of practice coordinated by the World Bank Gender...
This note is part of a series highlighting the work of the five Gender Innovation Labs (GILs) that constitute the GIL Federation, a World Bank community of practice coordinated by the World Bank Gender...
This note is part of a series highlighting the work of the five Gender Innovation Labs (GILs) that constitute the GIL Federation, a World Bank community of practice coordinated by the World Bank Gender...
This note is part of a series highlighting the work of the five Gender Innovation Labs (GILs) that constitute the GIL Federation, a World Bank community of practice coordinated by the World Bank Gender...
This note is part of a series highlighting the work of the five Gender Innovation Labs (GILs) that constitute the GIL Federation, a World Bank community of practice coordinated by the World Bank Gender...
This thematic policy note is part of a series that provides an analytical foundation for the update to the World Bank Group Gender Strategy (FY24-30). This series seeks to give a broad overview of the...
تشهد توجُّهات واضعي السياسات حول ريادة ا أ لعمال النسائية تحوُّلاً بطيئاً بالانتقال من تشجيع تأسيس عدد كب ي š من ال ش ¢كات الناشئة إلى ال ت šك ي ز š على مساندة النساء اللا ئي – يمكنهن قيادة منشآت ا أ لعمال...
Le discours des responsables de l’élaboration des politiques concernant l’entrepreneuriat féminin, qui jusqu’alors encourageait la création d’un grand nombre de startups, évolue lentement pour mettre désormais...
Entre los responsables de formular políticas, las perspectivas acerca de los emprendimientos de mujeres están cambiando lentamente: se está dejando de alentar la creación de un gran número de nuevas empresas...
This paper shows that a youth empowerment program in Bolivia reduces the prevalence of violence against girls during the COVID-19 lockdown. The program offers training in soft skills and technical skills...
This note examines how sensitive the demand for business training is to price, and whether charging a higher price causes firm owners to exert more effort in training.
Business training programs are typically offered for free. Charging for training provides potential benefits including financial sustainability, but little is known about how price affects the demand for...
This paper evaluates whether cost-sharing public interventions are successful in promoting agricultural technology uptake by small and medium farmers, and whether these changes can affect yields. The paper...