Tunisia faces the challenge of improving the quality of its public spending and maintaining fiscal sustainability following a decade of weak economic performance. It is critical for Tunisia to strengthen...
Tunisia faces the challenge of improving the quality of its public spending and maintaining fiscal sustainability following a decade of weak economic performance. It is critical for Tunisia to strengthen...
In 27 out of 34 OECD member countries, there is institutionally separate retirement-income provision for some or all public-sector workers. But the scope of these pension schemes varies significantly:...
This paper presents and explains cross country data for mandatory publicly and privately managed pension systems around the world. This report is organized into three parts corresponding to three broad...
This note briefly sets out a methodology for calculating prospective pension entitlements promised in the future to today’s workers. This method can (and has been) applied to a wide range of countries...
This briefing note looks at issues in the measurement of coverage by the formal pension system of people of working age. It is the second in a series describing the World Bank's Pension Reform Indicators...
This introductory note updates the Bank's database on pensions, that was first established in the early 1990s to inform the research analysis on averting the old age crisis, and formulating policies to...
This note discusses how expected benefit levels can be assessed. The note points out the measurement of current benefit levels that are observable: they do not depend on any assumptions about the future...
This briefing note on economic efficiency explores indicators related to the incentive to work. The first part looks at the retirement decision. There is now a mountain of evidence showing that retirement...
This report on financial sustainability assesses the finances of pension systems over the long run. Issues of financial sustainability are mainly relevant to earnings-related schemes. These are of three...
The recent financial crisis means that investment risk is at the forefront of the minds of the public and policymakers alike. But there is a range of risks and uncertainties in pension systems. At the...
The cost of administering public pensions matters because it must ultimately be paid by individuals, either as taxpayers or through lower benefits. High costs are a sign of administrative efficiency. A...
Pensions panorama provides a compendium of facts and analysis that should inform policy making and public debate about retirement-income systems around the world. The section following the introduction...
Pensions panorama provides a compendium of facts and analysis that should inform policy making and public debate about retirement-income systems around the world. The section following the introduction...
Pensions panorama provides a compendium of facts and analysis that should inform policy making and public debate about retirement-income systems around the world. The section following the introduction...
The tax treatment of funded pensions is a critical policy choice in pension reform. In countries with mature funded systems, like the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States...
The tax treatment of funded pensions is a critical policy choice in pension reform. In countries with mature funded systems, like the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States...
The tax treatment of funded pensions is a critical policy choice in pension reform. In countries with mature funded systems, like the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States...
This is the first comprehensive assessment of pension systems in the Middle East and North Africa. While other regions-Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America, in particular-have been actively...
The regulation and supervision of individual pension accounts has been a neglected issue. In contrast, much has been written on financing the transition to funded pensions and the design of benefits. Yet...