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  • ICTs for financial services in Africa (English)

    The second most populous continent in the world and with abundant natural resources, Africa continues to grow as the world's economy currently stands on shaky ground. However, steady GDP gains are sometimes...

    Document Type: Report No.: 88228 Document Date: January 1, 2014 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Blackman,Colin R.,Halewood,Naomi J.,Kelly,Timothy John Charles,Stefanski,Scott Edward,Wave, Vital,Yonazi, Enock

  • ICTs for regional trade and integration in Africa (English)

    Trade is critically important to Africa's economic prospects, as a source of revenue, investment and employment, yet Africa's trade is highly fragmented and the weakness of its trade performance constrains...

    Document Type: Working Paper Report No.: 88231 Document Date: January 1, 2014 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Souter,David,Ali,Lishan Adam,Jagun,Abiodun Olufunlola,Tusubira, Tusu ,Yonazi, Enock,Kelly,Timothy John Charles,Halewood,Naomi J.,Blackman,Colin R.