This press release announces World Bank's support for development and implementation of a new policy framework in Guinean higher education.
This press release announces the World Bank approved a rehabilitation loan, equivalent to sixty-one million US dollars, to improve the water supply in the Azerbaijani capital, Baku.
These press releases announce the completion of negotiations between Russia and The World Bank for a loan of ninety-nine million dollars for an emergency oil spill recovery project on April 7, 1995 and...
This press release announces the World Bank credit to Armenia to help stabilize and restore growth to the Armenian economy.
This press release announces The World Bank's one hundred seventeen point eight million dollar credit for project in India to fight cataract blindness on May 12, 1994. More than eight million Indians will...
These press releases announce a World Bank credit of fourteen point seven million to Pakistan for a natural resource management project and tapping of new sources of power in The Philippines. The natural...
This press release announces The World Bank's approval of a fifty point five million credit for a road project in Nepal on March 15, 1994. The loan helps create a more efficient and cost-effective road...
On January 30, 1989, St. Vincent and the Grenadines will increase production of food and export-crops as a result of a project designed to make more efficient use of scarce land.
This press release, dated May 24, 1984, announces an increase in the resources of the International Development Association (IDA), an affiliate of the World Bank, through a seventh replenishment of its...
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), concessionary lending affiliate of the World Bank, will lend sixteen million thirty thousand to Rwanda for agricultural research...
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), concessionary lending affiliate of the World Bank, has approved for Mali a credit of twenty-four million US dollars to help...
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), concessionary lending affiliate of the World Bank, has approved a credit of five million US dollars for Sierra Leone which...
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), concessionary lending affiliate of the World Bank, has approved a credit of six million fifty thousand US dollars to The Gambia...
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), concessionary lending affiliate of the World Bank, has approved a credit of seven million fifty thousand US dollars to the...
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), concessionary lending affiliate of the World Bank, has approved a credit of seven million US dollars for a fourth highway project...
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), concessionary lending affiliate of the World Bank, has approved a credit of ten million US dollars to assist Rwanda's efforts...
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), concessionary lending affiliate of the World Bank, has approved a credit of eleven million thirty thousand US dollars to help...
This press release announces the World Bank financing of a fertilizer plant in Pakistan.
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), concessionary lending affiliate of the World Bank, has approved a credit of forty million US dollars for Pakistan to rehabilitate...
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), concessionary lending affiliate of the World Bank joining the bilateral aid agencies of Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom...