Facilitating access to financial services is a core component of most economic inclusion programs, which aim to build resilience and create opportunities for poor and vulnerable households. These programs...
Over the past few decades, the Republic of Korea has consciously undertaken initiatives to transform its economy into a competitive, data-driven system. The primary objectives of this transition were to...
Over the past few decades, the Republic of Korea has consciously undertaken initiatives to transform its economy into a competitive, data-driven system. The primary objectives of this transition were to...
Women with disabilities face additional barriers to their participation in the economy and society compared to men, with and without disabilities, and relative to nondisabled women, resulting in unequal...
The March 2020 update to PovcalNet involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed for improved harmonization, and some of the CPI...
This Jobs Solutions Note identifies practical solutions for development practitioners and policymakers to design and implement policies and programs that improve jobs outcomes for in FCV contexts. Based...
JOHAR is a pioneer in enabling tribal communities to be an integral stakeholder in development by ensuring availability, accessibility and utilization of water resources for agricultural development. JOHAR...
The governance and anti-corruption (GAC) agenda have provided a useful forum for exchanging ideas relating to governance within the World Bank Group (WBG). Through the initiatives of the GAC Secretariat...
Thanks to strong economic growth over the last two decades, poverty in Mozambique has decreased and the average household is now more likely to access basic education, health, and housing. Yet, the country...
This paper examines the patterns of growth of Poland, and its transition into high-income status over the past two decades from a macro and micro perspective. It benchmarks Polish performance with that...
Access to justice, the ability of citizens and communities to resolve disputes and uphold rights, is key to attaining the World Bank’s twin goals of eliminating poverty and promoting shared prosperity...
Economic performance in 2018 has been mixed. The data that are available suggest some areas of softening in the economy.1 Foreign direct investment declined to 2 percent of GDP in 2017, down from about...
For green Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs), access to finance is one of the key constraints in scaling innovative business models. Investors, even those with the intention and mandate to support smaller...
This report reviews South Africa’s recent economic and social developments. It underlines that South Africa’s current economic rebound may not be sustained if the fundamental factors undermining its growth...
The Latin America and the Caribbean region has turned the corner, growing again after six years of economic slowdown. Economic growth is key to continue making progress on the social front and return to...
This note provides guidance on how to ensure that agricultural investments respect existing land rights, both formal and informal, and thereby avert land disputes. Failure to respect land rights - in particular...
Training is one of the main ways that the Nepal government intervenes in the labor market. This descriptive study documents patterns, trends, correlates, and the labor market effects of formal off-the-job...
Sierra Leone is a relatively small economy with potential for jobs-rich growth. It is an extremely poor nation with substantial mineral, agricultural, and fishery resources. Nearly half of the working-age...
Safety is one of four global goals identified in the Global Mobility Report (GMR)—along with universal access, efficiency, and green mobility. The safety goal is aimed at curbing the human pain, suffering...
Public credit guarantees have become a popular instrument to try to expand lending to financially constrained firms. In many instances, these schemes have proven useful to increase access to finance. However...