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  • Sri Lanka : investment in human capital (English)

    Education is one of the most important determinants of economic performance in the modern world. This is true of both countries and individuals. The main characteristic which distinguishes between advanced...

    Document Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series) Report No.: 89923 Document Date: May 1, 2014 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Aturupane, Harsha , Savchenko, Yevgeniya , Shojo

  • Arab donors' early response to the Arab Spring (English)

    The World Bank's 2010 study, Arab Development Assistance: four decades of cooperation, and the subsequent note, Arab donors respond favorably to the global financial crisis (Rouis 2011), showed that the...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 73004 Document Date: July 1, 2012 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Rouis,Mustapha

  • Reaching the poorest : lessons from the graduation model (Arabic)

    Microfinance is about extending financial access to poor and excluded people. However, apart from a few notable exceptions, microfinance has not typically reached extremely poor people those at the lowest...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 63336 Document Date: March 1, 2011 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Hashemi,Syed Mesbahuddin,De Montesquiou Fezensac,Aude

  • Reaching the poorest : lessons from the graduation model (English)

    Microfinance is about extending financial access to poor and excluded people. However, apart from a few notable exceptions, microfinance has not typically reached extremely poor people those at the lowest...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 63336 Document Date: March 1, 2011 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Hashemi,Syed Mesbahuddin,De Montesquiou Fezensac,Aude

  • Distortions to agricultural incentives in China and Southeast Asia (English)

    This chapter begins with a brief summary of economic growth and structural changes in the region since the 1950s and of agricultural and other economic policies as they affected agriculture before and...

    Document Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series) Report No.: 56131 Document Date: September 1, 2008 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Anderson,Kym,Martin,William J.

  • Malawi - Rural energy and institutional development (English)

    This study reviews Malawi's policies in the biomass, rural electrification, and non-biomass renewable energy sub-sectors to identify problems and constraints to progress and to propose policies, initiatives...

    Document Type: ESMAP Paper Report No.: 32846 Document Date: April 1, 2005 Disclosure Status: Author: Girdis,Dean,Hoskote,Mangesh

  • Farmers as partners in knowledge development (English)

    Knowledge can be classified into (i) explicit, which can be easily recorded (e.g., books) and (ii) tacit, which cannot be always articulated. However, much of this tacit knowledge can be shared. The conversion...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 31259 Document Date: June 1, 2004 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: