The ex-post impact assessment of the Limiting Administrative Regulation and Administrative Control on Economic Activity Act (LARACEAA) is part of the World Bank's support to the Government of Bulgaria...
This newsletter includes the following heading: World Bank Africa region VP visits Southern Africa; message from Ruth Kagia, country director, world bank; workshop discusses Botswana's growth prospects;new...
The ex-post impact assessment of the Limiting Administrative Regulation and Administrative Control on Economic Activity Act (LARACEAA) is part of the World Bank's support to the Government of Bulgaria...
In Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries, the states own and operate most of the research and development institutes (RDIs). These institutes often play an important and even dominant role in...
In Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries, the states own and operate most of the research and development institutes (RDIs). These institutes often play an important and even dominant role in...
This report is a contribution to a broader study entitled 'aid, conflict and peace building in Sri Lanka' (Goodhand and Klem, 2005), which examines the peace process in Sri Lanka with a particular focus...