Ghana’s real gross domestic product (GDP) expanded in 2018, albeit at a slower rate than in 2017; the expansion was spurred by the mineral component of the industry sector. The government sustained its...
Ce rapport plaide pour une accélération des réformes si le pays veut rattraper la performance despays émergents. En particulier, mais pas exclusivement, l’efficience de la dépense devra être améliorée...
The first part of the Economic Update analyzes recent macroeconomic trends and presents an assessment of the country’s short- and medium-term outlook. The Kyrgyz economy has remained resilient to the adverse...
This is the fourth edition of the Uganda Economic Update series. As with previous editions, this update first provides information related to the current state of the economy before focusing on a particular...
This is the fourth edition of the Uganda Economic Update series. As with previous editions, this update first provides information related to the current state of the economy before focusing on a particular...