The objective of this assessment is to identify gender and social inclusion gaps with respect to equitable access to clean and modern energy in the Horn of Africa (HoA) borderlands, specifically in Djibouti...
This book is packed with actionable information for decision-makers, and it is the World Bank’s most comprehensive and authoritative publication on mini grids to date. The objective of this comprehensive...
Understanding the location and potential of renewable energy resources is a crucial pre-requisite to their utilization, and to scaling up clean and secure sources of electricity generation such as biomass...
The Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) has been active in Bangladesh since 2012. In 2013, they convened stakeholder consultations to develop and launch the Bangladesh Country Action Plan for Clean Cookstoves...
The objective of this study is to support the government of Armenia to identify the constraints and develop a financing roadmap for mobilization of private and commercial financing in electricity generation...
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) support complemented the World Bank’s Energy Sector Improvement Project to support Tunisia’s goal to transition to a secure, viable, and sustainable...
Cities are getting hotter as a result of growing urbanization and global climate change. The negative impacts of temperature increases are significant and touch nearly every aspect of urban life. Protecting...
Some 4 billion people still cook with traditional polluting fuels and technologies. The adverse development impacts from households continued use of polluting stove-and-fuel combinations are significant...
This report seeks to make a contribution to scaling up energy efficiency through improved planning and design of energy efficiency interventions in the developing countries by starting with the basic management...
Cooking with electricity could make a significant contribution to achieving Sustainable Development Goal No.7 by simultaneously enabling cost-effective access to modern energy and clean cooking, and proposing...
Energy efficiency is among the cheapest, cleanest, and most widely available of energy resources. Improved energy efficiency provides opportunities to sustainably expand energy services and support development...
Cooking with electricity could make a significant contribution to achieving Sustainable Development Goal No.7 by simultaneously enabling cost-effective access to modern energy and clean cooking, and proposing...
One complete year of meteorological measurement data was collected at the measurement site in Dharan between July 2018 and June 2019. This report summarizes the station operation during the reported measurement...
Solar radiation is essentially a free resource available anywhere on Earth, to a greater or lesser extent. Solar PV power plants convert solar radiation into electricity. In the current era of global climate...
ESMAP/The World Bank presents the Gender Equality in The Energy Sector Calendar (2020-21) to raise awareness on key gender-equality issues in the energy sector and stimulate innovative action across all...
This report elucidates the role of financial innovation in the off-grid solar sector and provides a roadmap for practitioners, financiers, and entrepreneurs navigating capital raises for companies active...
The World Bank is planning to establish a regional network for women practitioners in the power and energy sectors in South Asia (WePOWER) to help expand opportunities for women in energy projects and...
Energy transitions are underway in many countries, with a significant global increase in the use of wind and solar power playing a key role. To integrate renewable resources into grids, energy storage...
The call for urgent action to address climate change and develop more sustainable modes of energy delivery is generally recognized. It is also apparent that batteries, both in the transportation and the...
Uzbekistan has the second-most-energy-intensive economy in Europe and Central Asia as measured according to energy intensity per unit of gross domestic product. This study assesses the sex-disaggregated...