The objective of this assessment is to identify gender and social inclusion gaps with respect to equitable access to clean and modern energy in the Horn of Africa (HoA) borderlands, specifically in Djibouti...
This book is packed with actionable information for decision-makers, and it is the World Bank’s most comprehensive and authoritative publication on mini grids to date. The objective of this comprehensive...
Understanding the location and potential of renewable energy resources is a crucial pre-requisite to their utilization, and to scaling up clean and secure sources of electricity generation such as biomass...
The eight tables in this report provides basic information on the Utility Performance and Behavior in Africa Today (UPBEAT) project. It identifies the utilities covered by the project by country, name...
Over the 2016-2018 reporting period, Utility Performance and Behavior in Africa Today (UPBEAT) gathered data on utilities, both publicly and privately owned, in countries across the entire value chain...
For many utilities, the difference between the recovery of operating costs and the recovery of operating plus debt-service costs is small. This indicates that debt-service costs are relatively small for...
The operational data for utilities covered by the data platform Utility Performance and Behavior in Africa Today (UPBEAT) were less widely available than the data on their financial operations or on transparency...
Electric utilities are central to the energy development agenda of Sub-Saharan Africa, as expressed in Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7), which commits the international community to ensure access...
Robust corporate governance is vital if power utilities are to perform well (Irwin and Yamamoto 2004; Foster and Rana 2020). Corporate governance has internal and external dimensions. Aspects of internal...
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred unprecedented economic disruption globally. The full scope of the virus’s impact on human health and economic activity remains to be seen, but two things are clear: (1)...
Electric utilities are central to the energy development agenda of Sub-Saharan Africa, as expressed in Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7), which commits the international community to ensure access...
The level of performance of an electric utility is determined by the soundness of its financial situation, the efficiency of its technology, and the quality of service it provides customers. Its financial...
The Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) has been active in Bangladesh since 2012. In 2013, they convened stakeholder consultations to develop and launch the Bangladesh Country Action Plan for Clean Cookstoves...
The paper presents the nine country cases and draws lessons in the concluding section. Indonesia, which is the only country in this paper that has retained universal price subsidies to date, is covered...
For those who prefer to cook with gas but are not connected to a natural gas pipeline—and nearly all rural households fall under this category, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is the main option. For those...
Coal plants worldwide are grappling with low-capacity utilization levels and environmental issues; and have not only become unprofitable to utilities, but also uneconomical to customers. Developed countries...
The objective of this study is to support the government of Armenia to identify the constraints and develop a financing roadmap for mobilization of private and commercial financing in electricity generation...
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) support complemented the World Bank’s Energy Sector Improvement Project to support Tunisia’s goal to transition to a secure, viable, and sustainable...
Governments, automotive manufacturers, energy companies, charging infrastructure operators, mobility service providers, technology providers and aggregators across the globe are preparing themselves for...