This report aims to summarize the third edition of the World Bank FAO Knowledge Session series, including the topics covered, the countries featured and the impact of the various sessions. The report is...
Городское лесоводство превратилось в многогранную дисциплину, включающую в себя далеко не только эстетическое озеленение. Являясь краеугольным камнем рационального природопользования, оно включает в себя...
Urban forestry has evolved into a multifaceted discipline, encompassing far more than aesthetic landscaping. As a cornerstone of environmental stewardship, it includes strategic planning and comprehensive...
To effectively address the interrelated crises of food insecurity, malnutrition, climate change and ecosystem degradation, there is growing recognition that one need to transform the agrifood systems to...
Indoor air pollution (IAP), caused by the burning of solid fuels including biomass (mainly firewood and agricultural residues), animal dung, and coal in traditional cookstoves is a leading risk factor...
Indoor air pollution (IAP), caused by the burning of solid fuels including biomass (mainly firewood and agricultural residues), animal dung, and coal in traditional cookstoves is a leading risk factor...
Today more than half of China's population relies on solid fuels (biomass and coal) for cooking and heating. Each year, household air pollution linked to solid fuel combustion accounts for more than a...
Today more than half of China's population relies on solid fuels (biomass and coal) for cooking and heating. Each year, household air pollution linked to solid fuel combustion accounts for more than a...
Forty percent of Indonesia's more than 60 million households continue to rely heavily on traditional biomass fuels for cooking. Household air pollution from solid fuel combustion is linked to some 165,000...
Forty percent of Indonesia's more than 60 million households continue to rely heavily on traditional biomass fuels for cooking. Household air pollution from solid fuel combustion is linked to some 165,000...
Indonesia's household cooking fuels have undergone a dramatic shift in recent years, owing primarily to the government's highly successful Kerosene-to- Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Conversion Program;...
Indonesia's household cooking fuels have undergone a dramatic shift in recent years, owing primarily to the government's highly successful Kerosene-to- Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Conversion Program;...
Today most households in Lao PDR still rely on fuel wood-mainly firewood and charcoal as their main source of cooking energy, highlighting the vital role that improved stoves can play in mitigating the...
The structure of this report reflects the directional organization of the study. Chapter two offers a detailed descriptive analysis of national- and regional-level household fuelwood use, supplemented...
Results-Based Financing (RBF) is a concept comprising a range of public policy instruments, whereby incentives, rewards, or subsidies are linked to the verified delivery of pre-defined results. RBF is...
Results-Based Financing (RBF) is a concept comprising a range of public policy instruments, whereby incentives, rewards, or subsidies are linked to the verified delivery of pre-defined results. RBF is...
Results-Based Financing (RBF) is a concept comprising a range of public policy instruments, whereby incentives, rewards, or subsidies are linked to the verified delivery of pre-defined results. RBF is...
More than half of China's population still relies on solid fuels (coal and biomass for cooking and heating. Most of these households are in rural areas and are likely to continue using solid fuels in the...
Approximately 40 percent of Indonesian households continue to rely on traditional biomass (mostly wood) for cooking. Most of these households are in rural areas and are likely to continue using traditional...
More than half of China's population still relies on solid fuels (coal and biomass for cooking and heating. Most of these households are in rural areas and are likely to continue using solid fuels in the...