This Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems (AKIS) Good Practice Note summarizes current thinking, and good practice with monitoring and evaluation of agricultural technology projects and programs...
Contracting for delivery of agricultural extension services is a widespread strategy used in many countries and situations. In developing countries, contracting often shifts delivery of extension from...
Over the past two decades many countries have undertaken to decentralize government functions and transfer authority and responsibilities from central to intermediate and local governments, and often to...
This note outlines an approach to economic analysis in agricultural research and extension (R&E) projects financed under World Bank loans and credits. It provides guidelines and recommends steps to take...
Universities-with their functions of generating and disseminating knowledge-are central to agricultural knowledge and information systems (AKISs). Although the number of agricultural universities grew...
Competitive grant programs (CGPs) are increasingly used today to finance and manage agricultural research and extension. Research providers are selected on a competitive basis, using calls for proposals...
The Bank is working with developing countries to improve the ability of their national agricultural research organizations (NAROs) to generate technology that increases agricultural productivity, alleviates...