The 2023 Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) indicates the risk rating of debt distress for Kiribati remains high but is sustainable. High recurrent spending amid a decline in fishing revenues has led to...
According to the updated low-income country debt sustainability framework (LIC DSF), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s debt-carrying capacity remains weak. The DRC remains at a moderate risk...
Vietnam has demonstrated great and almost unrivaled development success over the past few decades as evidenced by a variety of measures, including national income, poverty reduction, and access to services...
Vietnam has demonstrated great and almost unrivaled development success over the past few decades as evidenced by a variety of measures, including national income, poverty reduction, and access to services...
Concrete literally holds the modern world together. The material and its binding agent cement comprise a key ingredient in the buildings and roads essential for development and in infrastructure critical...
Despite an advantageous geographical location with rich per capita natural resources endowments, persistent political instability and the absence of basic institutions have made Guinea-Bissau one of the...
According to the updated Low-Income Country Debt Sustainability Framework (LIC DSF), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s debt-carrying capacity remains weak. DRC remains at a moderate risk of...
Glass is present in a myriad of products used in both daily life and manufacturing, from beverage containers to windows to fiber optic cables. The demand for glass is projected to continue on an upward...
People have used steel since ancient times, after blacksmiths discovered that iron became harder and stronger after being placed in charcoal furnaces. Today, steel is present in virtually every aspect...
Plastic is indispensable to modern life, so ubiquitous that it is virtually invisible. In many ways, it is an ideal material. Invented in the mid-19th century, plastic is remarkably versatile and relatively...
This is the second of the series of Debt Reports for 2021 to be published online, at regular intervals, over the course of the year. Their aim is to provide users with analyses of evolving trends and development...
International Debt Statistics (IDS) is a longstanding annual publication of the World Bank featuring external debt statistics and analysis for the 120 low- and middle-income countries that report to the...
This paper analyzes the factors that affect countries' graduation from International Development Association (IDA) assistance and develops a statistical model of graduation. IDA provides concessional financing...
The Sustainability Review 2019 provides insights into World Bank activities undertaken between July 1, 2017, and June 30, 2019, to manage the environmental, social, and economic impacts of internal business...
According to the updated Low-Income Country Debt Sustainability Framework (LIC DSF), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s debt-carrying capacity was assessed as weak. DRC remains at a moderate...
The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) remains at high risk of debt distress under the Debt Sustainability Framework (DSF). Unless the compact agreement with the United States or parts of it are renewed...
According to the updated Low-Income Country Debt Sustainability Framework (LIC DSF), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s debt-carrying capacity was assessed as weak. DRC remains at a moderate...
The risk of external and overall debt distress for Guyana remains moderate, but debt dynamics will improve significantly with the start of oil production in 2020. All external debt indicators remain below...
Mali remains at moderate risk of external debt distress. This rating is unchanged from the previous analysis and consistent with the May 2018 Staff Report (IMF Country Report/18/141). All the projected...
An updated debt sustainability analysis (DSA) is prepared using the revised Low-income Countries Debt Sustainability Framework (LIC DSF) to assess Zambia’s current debt situation. Debt burden indicators...