During the COVID-19 pandemic, low- and middle-income countries struggled with lower vaccination rates compared to wealthier countries, posing challenges to reducing virus transmission, mitigating healthcare...
Can skills-based programs promote women’s economic inclusion? This study randomizes access to a program teaching entrepreneurship skills in rural Uganda. The program covers record-keeping, identifying...
While populations in low- and middle-income countries are exposed to some of the highest levels of air pollution and its consequences, the majority of economics research on the topic is focused on high-income...
This paper studies how credit guarantee and employment protection programs interact in assisting firms during crises times. The paper analyzes how these government programs influence credit allocation...
This paper assesses patterns and drivers of current trade restructuring and its welfare implications. The main trade restructuring drivers include lower cost advanced technologies, rising offshore labor...
Using Business Pulse Survey data for 61 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper presents novel findings on remote work, enabled by digitalization, as a source of resilience for firms. The results...
This paper investigates the extent to which real-time indicators derived from internet search, cell phones, and satellites predict changes in household socioeconomic indicators across approximately 300...
The COVID-19 pandemic and the global shocks that followed have worsened fiscal and debt positions in small states, intensifying their already substantial fiscal challenges—especially the need to manage...
This paper studies telework as an opportunity to increase women’s labor force participation in Mexico. Using data on the availability and use of information technology in households, the paper models women’s...
This report describes a transition risk assessment for the Philippines’ banking sector conducted by a World Bank technical team. It is intended to provide a source of reference for financial regulators...
The Uganda High-Frequency Phone Survey (UHFPS), regularly collected by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) in collaboration with the World Bank since 2020, included questions to measure youth's (age...
In June 2020, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), in collaboration with the World Bank, officially launched the Uganda High Frequency Phone Survey (UHFPS) to track the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic...
School closures from COVID-19 have resulted in large learning losses, from 0.05 to 0.17 standard deviations in high income countries, equivalent to two to six months of lost learning. However, the extent...
Using a cluster-randomized trial, this paper evaluates the impact of group-based interpersonal therapy on mental health and human capital accumulation among adolescent girls in Uganda who were at risk...
Global supply chains recently faced widespread disruptions. The COVID-19 pandemic caused major disruptions in 2021 and 2022, while in late 2023, geopolitical incidents in the Red Sea and water shortages...
Livestock contributes 6 to 7 percent of Chad's gross domestic product and over 35 percent of total wealth in rural areas. This paper analyzes trade and transport logistics facilitation measures for curtailing...
This study explores the factors shaping the aspirations of youths in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Nigeria, specifically focusing on their academic goals; science, technology, engineering, or mathematics career...
Youth unemployment and gender gaps in labor market outcomes are key policy challenges across developing countries. Young job-seekers may struggle to find jobs because of their biased beliefs and unrealistic...
Preparing for—and responding to—disasters requires a people-centered approach and a strong understanding of households’ ability to cope with shocks. Relying on novel household survey data, this paper examines...